Category Archives: Risk
‘Botch job’ doctor offers private facelifts
The Sunday Times 15 March 2015 A SURGEON facing claims that he botched facial reconstruction operations on his NHS patients is offering Botox treatments and mini facelifts at a private clinic, an investigation has found. Roger Bainton left his job as a maxillofacial specialist at the Royal Stoke University Hospital in Staffordshire earlier this […]
Have 800 women been killed by the Pill? The alarming dangers of taking so-called third generation contraceptives
The Daily Mail 12 February 2014 Nancy Berry died after taking Femodene Trudi Banning suffered a blood clot when she was 22 She had also been taking Femodene She survived but is now infertile Warns other women to be aware of the risks Campaigners calling on some Pills to be banned When Trudi Banning collapsed, […]
Buy one, get one free on breast ops
The Sunday Times Published 15 July 2012 Lois Rogers COSMETIC surgeons are offering supermarket-style discounts for multiple breast enlargements, nose jobs and fat-removal operations in order to boost business. Mothers and daughters are among groups of women being attracted by “buy one, get one half-price” style offers. Online shopping carts and time-limited no-refund special offers […]
Weedkiller linked to birth defects
The Sunday Times Published: 29 April 2012 Lois Rogers A GROUP of British women whose children were born with the same birth defect believe it may be linked to a banned weedkiller which is the subject of a multi-million dollar lawsuit in America championed by Erin Brockovich. At least nine babies born to mothers living within a […]