Lois Rogers
Former health and social affairs editor of The Sunday Times (London), regular contributor to the Economist Intelligence Unit. Ongoing engagement in the debate on the future of healthcare through journalism, advocacy, lobbying, political engagement and training via writing, broadcasting and multimedia information platforms. An award-winning opinion leader and expert witness.
Media Resources
As well as providing a steady stream of ideas for a regular journalistic output, Lois Rogers offers a variety of other media resources.
Collaborators include:
Life science researchers, healthcare providers and health policy organisations, professions allied to medicine and wellbeing including mental health specialists, food and dietary supplement producers, skincare and anti-ageing medicine manufacturers and researchers.
Expertise includes:
Development of materials and training for presentations, leading round table and media advisory boards, visuals, copy and scripts for promotional videos and websites, speech writing for government and shadow ministers, charities, pressure groups, senior corporate executives and teams seeking investment for biotech start-ups and other healthcare projects.
Other services:
Advice on business pitches, specialist input and training seminars for communications agencies and lobbying groups, individual and group training in media and communication skills, mock interviews, role play and crisis management scenarios, conference presentations offering entertaining media interpretations of all aspects of the healthcare and wellbeing industries.

As well as providing a steady stream of ideas for a regular journalistic output, Lois Rogers produces reports for a variety of outlets.
Click to view the reports.