Category Archives: Anti-ageing medicine
Smooth operator: A new invasive treatment promises to banish cellulite for at least a year — but how effective is it?
The Sunday Times 26 May 2013 Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss and even Princess Diana have all faced the moment when an unexpectedly dimply bum and thighs have been captured on camera for critical examination by a gleeful female audience. Cellulite, the orange-peel effect of pitted fat, affects more than 8 out of 10 women, though […]
Fill by mouth
Can a collagen drink really keep you looking young? The Sunday Times 24 February 2013 Anti-ageing wonder foods, beauty “cosmeceuticals” that you put in your mouth rather than on your skin, are set to become the boom of the decade. Collagen-containing coffee, marshmallows, yoghurts and food additives have taken the Far East by storm and […]
Voice-lift ops put aged back on song
The elderly are turning to a new kind of cosmetic surgery to restore the vocal power of their youth The Sunday Times Published 16 September 2012 Lois Rogers SURGEONS are reaping the rewards from Britain’s ageing population by offering treatments that can restore the youthful tone to voices. With increasing numbers of elderly people wishing […]